Claims Software to Ensure You Stay HIPAA Compliant

HIPAA compliance is vital to any benefits administration plan and is essential in claims software. Complete Health System's HIPAA EDI seamlessly allows the electronic import of claims and enrollment to keep your records safe and secure. Read about additional features of our HIPAA EDI below.


  • Currently supports X12 004010A1 and 005010A1 finalized versions.
  • Electronic import of claims and enrollment.
  • Check member and provider eligibility before importing claims from 837 transaction.
  • Claim exception reports of ineligible members and providers.
  • Integrated online help.
  • Ability to drop Professional, Institutional and Dental claims to their respective paper claim forms.
  • Ability to extract claims into an 837 transaction file to be sent for outside re-pricing.
  • Ability to extract enrollments into an 834 file to interface with other systems.
200 W Douglas Ave, Suite 530
Wichita, KS 67202
Monday - Friday:
8am to 5pm

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