Long-Haul Covid and Worker's Compensation

Approximately 50-76% of Covid survivors, including 35-54% of those with mild Covid, have reported persistent symptoms after their initial recovery. Some of these symptoms are the same as when they had an active viral load, and some of them are new. As workplaces reopen, Covid precautions remain an important part of employee safety. If employees are sickened on the job, they should be referred to Worker’s Compensation for a claim and care. Employers should be diligent in developing and adhering to protocol for contact tracing, and handling these claims. Read more.

Source: Risk and Insurance

The Post-Covid Workplace and Why Benefits Must Change

Covid caused a major disruption in business as usual and as a result, more workplaces had to be flexible, and a more employee-centric and personalized model emerged. Post-Covid, employees are expecting a more personalized approach to their benefits. From working from home and flexible schedules to on-demand pay, and digital wellness benefits, employers are looking to offer benefits outside the pre-Covid norm. Read more.

California Bill Would Allow Adding Parents to Insurance

A new bill has been introduced to the California state legislature that would allow parents and stepparents who are listed as dependents on taxes, to be added to private insurance plans.

Some of those who might be affected would be those with green cards who haven’t met the five-year criteria for Medicare or Medicaid eligibility. While other measures in California place the burden of expense for those who don’t currently qualify for federal entitlements back on the state, this legislation would affect employers and insurers.

Parents of policyholders would likely fall into the higher use category which could increase costs to employers for usage.  While the estimated number of people who would be eligible for this is relatively small, the cost is estimated to raise premiums by $200-$800 million dollars per year. Read more about this initiative.

Source: Kaiser Family Foundation

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